lauantai 26. toukokuuta 2012

Thirty one.

I should probably add right away, that it should be a HUGE rainbow cake.
As the awesome one in the picture, maybe even with a mustache on it.
We don't really know what the point is to bake a huge cake, but we are going to do that before we grow up!

perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012


Haha, this was kind of funny, cos actually both me and L, have one of these.
Our dads brought them to us as a souvenirs when they where at some trip.
But these are on one side kind of embarrassing to have but on the other side, it's fun to 
have one, maybe wear on their gig. And also when you grow up, you can always laugh
at your obsession to that British boy band.
So I encourage all you directioners and H to buy one! 

tiistai 22. toukokuuta 2012


Hey everyone, this is my first update in this blog, I've been too busy so 'N' and 'L' has been more up to this than me but hopefully I have more time from here to update.

So, I think everybody have had a shopping trip, but when you'r shopping you need money and a many stores. And we are not living in a very big city, so we thought that it would be nice to take a trip to a bigger city and shop the whole day. Go into every store that look interesting and so on.

maanantai 21. toukokuuta 2012


One of the tasks, at least for me should be to learn how to whistle.
The fact that you know that you don't know how to whistle is really annoying!
I feel kind of bad for myself.. :b

Well here is some inspiration songs for me and everyone else who can't whistle.
I'v always liked songs where they whistle, maybe cos, you know I can't.
Well now I start chit chatting to much, well at least, listen to the second one!



You know the tv program were 4 people make make dinner for each other and so on and so on.
Well, we thought it would be fun to do with our friends.
Cooking for each other and simply enjoying good company!

lauantai 19. toukokuuta 2012


There's a huge beach quite near our home city, and next summer I hope that we jump on 'L's and 'N's scooters and drive away to the beach because it's a lovely place! Can't wait for summer!

Twenty SIX

Spend the whole day on a cozy beach, start with a breakfast and end sleeping over on the beach! 
Marshmallows, bondfire, friends and some hot boys! Why not?


Just spend the whole day with your friends and had the Olympic Games
Start with a opening ceremony and then try different sports
 and count points and in the end of the day have one winner!

May the Odds be Ever in your Favor!


We love big red busses! <3
'L' have been to London twice but never ride one, 
but she promise to do it next time, when we all go to LONDON!

perjantai 18. toukokuuta 2012


Here are some of the tasks that we made when we were in France, we will tell you later more about these happenings and give you some photo proves that we made those things. I still have to tell you myself that the trip was awesome and can't wait to see my french friends again!
 And if you wanted to know.., I LOVE PARIS! <3



We already did it in Paris where we danced the logotombibo in front of the eiffeltower, 
Why don't we do it here?


Now when we visited Paris next stop will be London!
'L' already visited London twice but we want to go all together with our friends!
Just chill out at famous places and hang out in some brittish lads 
and party in the London nightlife ! Woohoo!

Forever 21

So can you guess our favorite boys now?
 We all have our own favorites in the band and here they are!
Niall, Louis and Harry!
We want to get boyfriends like them because they are adorable and good-looking too!


Some day we're going to live with or friends, in a town far away from home, 
maybe studying or working.
But the point is that we are doing it together and living together in a cute small 
apartment witch is so girly you could just die.
Or something like that..

We are back!

Sorry, none of us had the time to update in a long time, actually in a too long time.
I hope you wont be mad, we have a reasonable explanation.
Cos, all the three of us has been in France for the last week.
I think I can speak for all three of us when I say that the trip was awesome and unforgettable.
At least I fell in love with Paris immediately, I will definitely visit that city again.
And i promise, we are going to start updating more again.

And don't forget to follow us on bloglovin! :D


torstai 3. toukokuuta 2012

Simple but effective

The sun is shining and i'm sitting in my bikinis 
on the balcony and enjoying life. 
I'm reading my brothers Harry Potter.
 Just have to say that life is good!
 Simple but effective way to enjoy life. 
Take care!


keskiviikko 2. toukokuuta 2012

It's a beautiful day

Ciao Bellas!
The sun is shining and everything and everybody perfect.
Too bad we haven't had the time to update, the last few days has been really busy. :)
But now we are back in action!

Oh, and we had the most cozy and nice BBQ party a couple of days ago. We promise there will be pictures as soon as possible!
So what's up with you guys?
Me myself and I, I participate in all these competitions online. I so want to travel abroad right now! My number one destination would be London, I've never been there, but really would want to. Some day, I know it.
Btw do you have any recommendations of any sites with competitions I could take part in? :'D

Just have to say, sorry for this kind of messy post, I wasn't focused, I watched Grays Anatomy at the same time. ;)

Got to love these pictures!


19 it is!

Well, we have had these small movie marathons.
But now I'm talking big heavy stuff. You start in the morning and then you watch the whole damn day.
Sorry I wrote a bad word... I just wanted to make my point! .D
Then again is it Disney films (I hope so) Star wars or any other movies I don't care,
but we are going to have the movie marathon, the big one! :)