We had some photo shoots but they have been like small ones. Now we want to think big and spend the whole day planning outfits and driving to beautiful places to take gorgeous pictures.
sunnuntai 29. huhtikuuta 2012
15 coming true !?!!??
I just have to say how exited I am, because this is probably going to come true tomorrow, when we are going to H:s place. It have been a very sunny day today, and probably tomorrow too, so we were thinking that we would have a BBQ party at H:s place! SO EXITED!!
Well, we 3 are a bit of a 1D fans.
And of course we've watched the Video Diaries.
Now we don't wanna do the exact same videos, but our own.
Hope you got the point. Maybe we post it when it's ready? :D
I'm pretty sure almost all of you have seen these movies when this cute couple dances in the rain,
and being so cute and all this.
A part of you thinks it's really embarrassing, but I know, that a part of you wants to dance in the summer rain with this really cute boy.
I know it. ;)
lauantai 28. huhtikuuta 2012
Imagine, just chilling with your friends, it's summer, it's hot, it's perfect.
Sure we had a couple bbq parties.
But this would be more fun, cooler,tastier and bigger! :)
perjantai 27. huhtikuuta 2012
Inspiration songs
Some are like water, some are like the heat,
Some are a melody and some are the beat,
But sooner or later they all will be gone,
Why don't they stay young
Some are a melody and some are the beat,
But sooner or later they all will be gone,
Why don't they stay young
It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas
Things you swear you'll do before you die
It's the city you love that waits for you
But you're too damn scared to fly
Back when I was younger,
I wanted to be everything on the planet,
Now that I am older,
It seems the ambition has vanished //
// And now that I'm older,
I wish I coulda been everything that I wanted
Sleep tight
Haha I think it would be time for us to post something else than these tasks. Ideas?
But honestly, when I would have the time to write or even a bit of inspiration, well then I'm to tired.
The girls just left, we had a girls night with Ben&Jerry's, chocolate and chic-lit movies. Well needed.
Remember the time when you had girls nights like every single week-end? Have to say, those were great times. But I would never go back, love my life as it is right now!
And last but not least, a goodnight song for all of you!
Love it!
But honestly, when I would have the time to write or even a bit of inspiration, well then I'm to tired.
The girls just left, we had a girls night with Ben&Jerry's, chocolate and chic-lit movies. Well needed.
Remember the time when you had girls nights like every single week-end? Have to say, those were great times. But I would never go back, love my life as it is right now!
And last but not least, a goodnight song for all of you!
Love it!
Sure! All we need is a pool!
I think these may be more common in like U.S and not Europe, but it's worth a shot, right?
Who's with us?
Something to think about?
I thought it was time for us to write here something too. So I would just like to share these awesome texts that I found on twitter.
I like them 'cos they make me try to always see the sunny perspective of life.
I thought it was time for us to write here something too. So I would just like to share these awesome texts that I found on twitter.
I like them 'cos they make me try to always see the sunny perspective of life.
Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present
-Will SmithThe less you give a damn, the happier you will be.
-Will smith
Party in a big night club somewhere like Ibiza or St.Tropez. Just party all night, sleep the day. So what do you say let's go on a vacation to a party place when we all turn 18? Sounds great if you ask me!
torstai 26. huhtikuuta 2012
xx 10 xx
Just go to a spa with your closest friends, go to so many treatments as possible and just feel fresh and beautiful after it! Get a manicure, face pack and massage! I've heard that they have cheep spas in Riga, is that true? Ore do you have some other good spas to recommend ?
To go on safaris, se the beautiful nature, the happy children, and to HELP the people who needs help there in some kind of way, it would be awesome! Africa is an once in a lifetime experience (for most of us)
and we would love to have the chance to see it!
It would be awesome to drive to a cottage somewhere near a big ski-center and live there with you friends for a long weekend. We hope that we get the chance to do it next winter!
We all three have a tattoo fever going on, we all want one! We just don't know where and what?
We love this infinity tattoo here, maybe somebody of us takes this one? you never know...
Now when our friends already turned 18, have cars and a drivers license, it's easy to just jump in the car and drive to..... anywhere!
That would be awesome, especially when we live in Europe everything is so close so it's easy to travel with train and se so many places and countries. I can't wait until we graduate and we have time to do that!
keskiviikko 25. huhtikuuta 2012
They are cute, hot, funny, awesome and we love their songs, so why would not we go to their consert!
ps. love the teletubbie in the corner of this picture ;)
This and that
As my friend already said, we are three teenage girls, who want live our teenage life as fully as possible.
And by the blog we are trying to find inspiration for both you guys and us.
We are the kind of happy, energetic and optimistic girls. The teen years are the best in our life, or at least we want to believe that they are, so we don't wont to waist any time of having fun to do nothing.
So generally the aim of this blog is the dream of experience as much as possible of your teenage life.
We three are trying hard to get all of these done. As we already said, when we´v done all these things, we can consider ourselves as grown ups.
Of course you will find other things than the tasks here, but we are trying to not be this "every day, everything what I do" blog. You know? This blog will be different, interested? Stay tuned!
And one thing. Even if there is many things we haven't done, we are still experienced girls.
So if you got like any questions or something, feel free to ask. We will happily give you answers to your problems or non problems. Feel free to comment as well if there is any tasks you'v done or want to do.We want to have this friendly relationship with our readers.
As my friend already said, we are three teenage girls, who want live our teenage life as fully as possible.
And by the blog we are trying to find inspiration for both you guys and us.
We are the kind of happy, energetic and optimistic girls. The teen years are the best in our life, or at least we want to believe that they are, so we don't wont to waist any time of having fun to do nothing.
So generally the aim of this blog is the dream of experience as much as possible of your teenage life.
We three are trying hard to get all of these done. As we already said, when we´v done all these things, we can consider ourselves as grown ups.
Of course you will find other things than the tasks here, but we are trying to not be this "every day, everything what I do" blog. You know? This blog will be different, interested? Stay tuned!
And one thing. Even if there is many things we haven't done, we are still experienced girls.
So if you got like any questions or something, feel free to ask. We will happily give you answers to your problems or non problems. Feel free to comment as well if there is any tasks you'v done or want to do.We want to have this friendly relationship with our readers.
A new start
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Hey! Have you ever wondered what to do with your life? Me and my two friends, have wondered about that many times, and now when we turned seventeen we decided to do a list with things we still wanna do before we grow up. There's no age of growing up so we decided that when we are done with these things, then we have grown up ;D
Our list includes stuff we wanna buy, places we wanna see, words we wanna say and feelings we wanna feel. We hope that we all three will make it trough all these tasks. Some of the tasks have been already done, but we wanna do it again all together. And experience the joy of life and happiness in friendship
We will also write about thoughts and stuff we like and not like. We hope you get something out from this blog and maybe find something to do when you are bored.
We all just turned seventeen, we study in a high-school and like doing sports, like dancing in our leisure time. We live in a small town in Europe. Our city is very boring, nothing ever happens here so that's why we wanted to start doing cool stuff in our life insted of sitting on the computer (like I do now ).
xxx Hope you like it! xxx
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